View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Sep 12th, 2016 22:31

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
highlander wrote:
I accidentally hit the button which Ignore's Eric. How do I un-ignore Eric. I like Eric.

This is very odd...

I have suddenly discovered I have been ignoring Eric, Jan, Are you sure you ignored Eric with the 'Ignore' button?

Being away from home recently, I have been accessing the forum from my iPhone quite a bit, it's entirely possible I have accidentally touched an Ignore button, but I am not aware that I did, I certainly didn't intend to and I definitely didn't click a confirmation that I wanted to ignore Eric or anybody else.

Why do we *need* an 'Ignore' button if I want to ignore somebody, I just ignore them, I don't need a button! NOT that there is anybody here who I would even think of ignoring, honest!

Given the apparent ease with which one can touch the Ignore button and the (usually) friendly nature of this place, do we really need Ignore buttons and the like? This isn't Facebook. The use of touch screens is becoming greater and with small screens the chances of touching something which has an undesirable outcome is great. JK, can we remove some of these unwanted 'features'?

I don't understand why two members have inadvertently 'Ignored' Eric by accident. Not having a confirmation dialogue box is cheapskate.

Perhaps we are all ignoring each other and been blissfully unaware of the fact! Might explain the occasional quiet periods... o.O
