View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Sep 20th, 2016 11:08

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4186
Iain wrote:
I liked the IQ out of the Fuji but the focusing and the view finder just let it down for me.

You are absolutely right Iain, in terms of high speed focusing and shooting situations like sport and wildlife.

I have however been having a lot of fun shooting the XT on general scenery and people shots. Put it in manual and just played with the settings to suit the subject like the old days. Even managed to get all the displays off, so a bit more battery saving.

Unless there are significant inroads on the speed of the EVF refresh rate ( by that I mean it stays on the taken image for far too long so that you need to find where the subject move to in the meantime) I don't see EVF for wildlife and sport.

Which means I will probably join Graham and Malcolm with a D500 and ditch all my short range pro glass and the D750.

The Fuji is fine for day to day I don't need Nikon duplication.
