View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Oct 3rd, 2016 16:35

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Graham Whistler wrote:
These pictures are remarkable as Malcolm and I were at several feet apart in the hide and light on the bird between pictures taken at the same time show very clearly the iridescent changing of colour with even slight changing of camera position. Malcolm's pictures show the feathers as almost brown!

This must be polarization of light reflected back to the camera from the highly glossy plumage? Very similar effect when you photograph the Glossy Starling in Africa.

Thanks for raising that Graham, I was concerned at the brown hue which seems to make that image dull and 'lack lustre'. I took it upon myself to run the JPEG which is on the forum through Lightroom and try to fix the dullness.

I found adjustment of the black and white points to be the main cause, having re-adjusted the black and white points and reset the white balance (on the brightest part of one of the water droplets...) the entire image came to life. I have been very busy recently so I didn't raise this due to pressure of time and not knowing Malcolm very well, I was concerned he might take exception to me meddling with his image.

Had I started with the original NEF I am sure I would see an image equal to the others in this thread which are exceptional.

The other reason being that I have great respect for you both, generally your images are far better exposed and processed than my fumbling efforts.
