View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Oct 23rd, 2016 05:33

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Judith wrote: I agree Eric. I've sold loads of old photography cr....gems on eBay and have always got a decent or better than expected price for them. In some cases I actually got more than I paid for stuff that was second or third hand to me. My most recent sale was an old 28-200 nikkor for which a deater offered me £50 and an eBay buyer paid £80. Highest I'd seen them sell for was £90 so I got a decent price.

Most of you haven't seen what I've seen many times Ie JK in full Gollum mode standing in front of his cupboard full of Nikon gear, wide eyed with glee, saying "my preciouses" "preeeeeeeciouuuussss"....


:devil:  So you didnt want any of my treasures.

Still learning after all these years!