View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Dec 27th, 2016 13:40

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Go for smaller JPEG's they use less battery to save. For action with people I use 20 seconds, stars and star trails 30 seconds.

I would have thought minute intervals for weather pix? If 24 Hrs, you WILL have exposure issues. You will need to manage dusk and dawn manually. Preferably by doing tethered shooting with a laptop. You need to gradually expand the ISO at dusk together with increasing the shutter times. If left on full auto with auto ISO I understand strange things happen when the camera runs out of range on one setting and it can ruin the set.

There is a tutorial on the Lonely Speck website I think. If not look up "Holy Grail time-lapse" because it's one of the harder time-lapse sequences to master due to the exposure range you have to adjust for. Especially with snow scenes, going from white out to black out and back to white out!

I plan to do one some time but not quite got around to it yet. Been too busy this year.

I think I would budget for another battery, even with three batteries I have struggled with my D300s on long sessions over a couple of hours. I did one for two 8 hour days and it was a challenge getting the next replacement batteries charged before the next one was flat.

Oh! and set long exposure noise reduction to off. It takes the same time to reduce the noise as the exposure and it eats batteries!
