View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Apr 14th, 2017 14:32

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
As many of you know I dont do subscription software so I have been looking for alternatives to the Adobe Design Suite CS6 (Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign) and also to Lightroom6 as I believe that LR7 may be subscription only.

I have found several alternatives to Lightroom, namely CaptureOnePro, Lightzone, and Corel AfterShotPro.
Find a replacement for Photoshop has proved difficult as I have many Actions and these are not supported by other software vendors. So I am stuck with Photoshop CS6 which means ACR v9.01 is the last version that works so the latest Fuji cameras are unsupported via ACR.
I also do not like DNG as provided by Adobe as a solution.

So I kept looking around for alternatives. I have found a solution.
It is an ACR replacement called MetaRaw. At present it is Windows only (I prefer Macs). So I contacted the developer and after some discussion he agreed to try to port to Mac. This has happened and I have been beta testing it. Results look good so far.
So I have a solution to LR, PS. The InDesign and Illustrator software still work fine for me but there is an Illustrator replacement from Serif called Affinity Designer that would work.
So that just leaves a replacement for InDesign but there is Quark and a few others that offer a solution.

So now it would seem my holy grail is found.
Happy Days and may Adobe rot! As a company they seem to have become an arrogant monster with a yake it or leave it attitude. They do make good software but for me their attitude to me as a customer stinks. So goodbye to giving them my money.

Still learning after all these years!