View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon Jul 3rd, 2017 18:10

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Hi Robert
Surely it's just underexposed?

If the shot of the car on track is correct .....1/1250 @f10, then the same subject in the same lighting at f9 should only be 1/3 stop faster shutter speed to get the same exposure. The shot is 1/3200 at f9 when for same exposure it should have been 1/1600 @f9. So it's a stop underexposed for whatever reason.

Has the D3 been set to 'select' 1/3 stops?

Personally I have never trusted auto ISO in any program mode...only manual.

Last edited on Mon Jul 3rd, 2017 18:22 by Eric
