View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Jul 24th, 2017 03:15

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
OK, I downloaded the D5600 manual last night but at ~400 pages I gave up on that approach.

The manual can be found here:

A handy reference if put on an iPad or similar...

This morning I dug out the D3300 and had a little play. On the Aperture priority setting I took some photographs by pressing the live view button and composing on various nearby items, this seemed to best illustrate how well it works...

One of my Hard Drive enclosures, dimly lit, hand held, no flash and using a badly gouged lens. The camera settings are displayed in the image so I won't bother repeating them here. This image is straight out of the camera, untouched JPEG.

Here is a 100% crop (one image pixel to one screen pixel) of a part of the same image.

Seems to me the camera will use the mode setting to determine how Live-View behaves. I suggest using one of the mode settings (M, A, S, or P) depending on your needs and the situation. Using the command dial you can set the exposure parameters.

The D5600 pull out screen is a particularly valuable asset when photographing fungi or small flowers, saving the user from having to lay prone on damp undergrowth to get a good composition.
