View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Aug 31st, 2017 02:47

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I struggle to remember turning VR on and off, 1,000 sec should stop any movement, VR will just be fluttering trying to make sense of the event. VR definitely degrades my panning race car shots if I forget and leave it on.

A bit like panning with a video camera with IS turned on. The image jumps about because the IS is trying to stabilise it but can't.

My current strategy is to leave VR off and just turn it on for occasions when I may need it. It isn't smart enough, VR should be able to sense if you are panning and cut out on those occasions. The AF can tell what you are doing, it should message the VR and inform it there is a panning shot in progress.
