View single post by Ray Ninness
 Posted: Sun May 13th, 2012 21:05
Ray Ninness


Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Bedford, New Hampshire USA
Posts: 92
jk wrote: Ray Ninness wrote: jk wrote: Tom there is a picture on the Fuji X forums of the new X2 with the EVF attached. It is huge.
I really think this is a very poor cousin to the X100 but of course with a Leica tag it costs more than any country cousin can afford unless they own an oil well. :lol:

I think Fuji will have Leica's shorts for lunch in a few short years.

Leica nice stuff, but huge unrealistic pricing, and engineering that moves at a Snails pace!!


I have to agree ..... but then I would as I have bought both the X100 and the XPro1.

That said if the M9 was delivered to me with a good set of lenses, e.g. 24mm f2.8, 35mm f.4, 90mm f2.8 then I'd be a happy boy !!

And a very rich one!! I always liked my 21 f2.8 on my M6's, I had that lens in mind when I bought my first M6, although I couldn't afford it them. I have the 21 a 35 f2.0 and a 50f2.0 .. I always considered the 50 to be my telephoto for that system..


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire