View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Sep 27th, 2017 17:26

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I take it the resolution is a fair bit over 12Mb?

The skiers and climber would actually be nice to see in the picture but it's the tourists with millions of kids screaming etc. which I find objectionable. Christopher started playing up when we were on our way up to the Fairy Pools in Glen Brittle, I turned on my heel and marched him back to the car and we drove straight home to Cumbria.

Is the Austrian pass the one which s privately owned? Sid showed me a video he made, he took the Berkley over for a special day when they close the pass to the public and you can use the pass one way at a time, using it like a race track I think. Just watched a video of it (Not keen on the soundtrack...).

Thanks for reminding me. Not sure I could cope with driving it, they all seem to drive on the wrong side of the road. o.O

Now THIS is what I call fun!

Just up the road from here, must take the Marlin up there.
