View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Oct 7th, 2017 05:27

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
From what I can see the image quality of these kits is abysmal, the massive appendage under the camera seems excessive, completely dominating the camera. Total wast of money in my opinion.

Better buying the occasional roll of film and enjoying the old cameras as they were designed to be. It's easy enough to convert film to digital if so desired.

This should have been done when digital first appeared but of course the camera manufacturers wanted to integrate digital totally into the camera for a complete package, which as it turned out it seems to me was a sensible move. Maybe with medium format it would have been good but the cost scalability wouldn't have worked. Just look at what Hasselblad pass off as 'medium format' today and the price!

However, it left us, the users in the position of funding the development, as manufacturers rolled out tiny incremental improvements over time as they conquered the challenges one by one. They still are but I think they are now moving beyond providing the users NEEDS into the realms of fantasy with the sensitivity and definition available. Somehow the manufacturers seem to have engendered an insatiable lust for ever increasing ISO and pixel counts. Way beyond what was available with even the very best of film cameras (in any format).

I'm not saying we should stop improving, I'm just saying for most needs we are already 'there' and that improvements beyond what is now the norm are very optional, not 'must have'. Instead of a horse and cart, we don't ALL need a Bugatti Veyron in the garage, something much less exotic gets the job done very nicely.
