View single post by jk
 Posted: Mon Oct 9th, 2017 03:12

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
amazing50 wrote:
jk wrote:
Mirrorless cameras allow you to see the exposure that will be rendered before you make the exposure itself.
This means that to a large extent bracketing is unnecessary.

The cameras are lighter and for me the Fuji XT2 control layout is superior to anything Nikon or Canon has offered in a DSLR. This is just my personal preference but it mimics my Nikon F3 in many ways.

If you are in live view and hit the OK button on the bottom left, it shows the actual exposure and on the right edge of the screen an exposure scale.

The image will change to reflect your settings. Found it quite accurate today doing some weird sky colours, but still tried a few shots to get the effect I wanted.

It can also show a live histogram, provided it's turned on in the menus, in this mode by pressing the info button until it comes up.

I will give that a test as I havent ever tried that.
In the mirrorless cameras the image on the rear screen or EVF is what you capture from the sensor.

Still learning after all these years!