View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Oct 11th, 2017 11:04

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thanks JK, my main concern with the third and forth images was to preserve the glow from the trees, which was what attracted me to the scene in the first place. The third and forth images are both HDR in order to try to preserve the lights and yet boost the darks without resorting to trickery and pushing the boundaries (I guess HDR is a trickery of sorts!!!). Really just trying to preserve the natural feel of the image. I take your point about the bracken but in reality it is pretty bleached, much more so than the picture suggests. I agree boosting it a little more would probably bring more life to the overall image.

The third image I took 89 mainly bracketed exposures and only one set of five exposures came close to getting something near what I saw. Will revisit the processing, I know there is more to be had from those NEF's. I haven't even applied graduated controls yet and that's what the bracken needs.

The second image, the bent tree, I think it's an Oak, really screams the direction of the prevailing wind and the power of nature. It's one of the nicest examples of the phenomenon I have seen. There are still more potential subjects along that road, the three sites I stopped at were all within a one mile stretch.

I have included a screenshot of the Lightroom Map showing the locations of the photos, I haven't processed some water flow shots I took of the river Duddon, I wasn't particularly happy with them. I bet it's a lot more spectacular today!

I have encircled the roadside locations, the others upper right are the Stickle Pike locations.

Attachment: Ulpha Photos.jpg (Downloaded 27 times)
