View single post by Ray Ninness
 Posted: Tue May 15th, 2012 08:51
Ray Ninness


Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Bedford, New Hampshire USA
Posts: 92
jk wrote: I thought that the reason why you werent here so much was because you were moonlighting in Japan again to get enough to buy the Leica.

I'd love to go back to japan, but not to work there, that was one of the craziest stints I ever did.. Of course the pay was outrageous, but so was 9-9, 7 days a week!!

Mostly my time lately is spent playing at Armature radio, and that is a huge time suck. Then I spent two months searching for old negatives and scanning and Photoshopping files and identifying everything!!! And I am getting too old to spend 10-15 hours a day behind the keyboard..

As the Honda commercial says "I wan'ah Ride" Now if the rain stops long enough I may get my bikes on the road???

Then there is working out at the health club, roller skating, house work, and of course play time!! I just bought a Mig Welder, and I need practice time with that now too :-)

If it ain't one things it's another..


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire