View single post by Iain
 Posted: Tue May 15th, 2012 12:54

Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Posts: 1453

Ok, I've been using the 7D for just over a month and my findings so far are,
    The detail due to the 18mp is good and handy for cropping
    The focus on static subjects is fast and positive. However the focus on moving subjects is hit and miss and the keeper rate compared to a 1D or the Nikons with the 51 point focus system is poor.
    Noise levels are on a par with the D300/D300s but the files will accept noise reduction software better.

As for the Canon 400 f5.6 lens I can't fault it and still can't understand why Nikon don't do one.