View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue May 15th, 2012 18:19

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
If the wire stubs the job, turn up the volts or turn down the wire speed (current), if you are burning holes, move faster or turn down the wire or the volts.

If you have the settings right, there should be an even, harsh crackle from the ark.

Adjust the volts higher for thicker metal, down for thinner metal. The wire speed (current) is more a fine tuning to adjust for technique and job variations like vertical and overhead.

For better penetration push the torch forwards along the weld, to weld thin difficult joints pull the torch backwards along the weld.

Gas wise, turn down the flow until the weld starts to become bubbly, then turn up the flow until it's clean but no higher.

Any other welding problems, just ask!

Oh, and use .8mm wire for 95% of jobs. .6 burns too fast without making enough heat, 1mm is too heavy unless you are welding 1/2" metal. !.2mm and 1.6mm wire needs a heavy 350 Amp set using spray transfer, which is a whole different game.

Oh, just remembered, Use a heavy glove on your left hand to hold the nozzle end of the torch, to steady it, that makes all the difference to controlling the weld. An automatic helmet is also a great help.
