View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Dec 5th, 2017 12:45

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
As I understand it in this case, these are purely web based 'infections' or malware. It's no deeper than the web page. UNLESS you click on it...

If you click on it then there could be a range of consequences from noting your IP number through installing a malware cookie in your browser etc. I'm not sure what range of options that provides for the malware. Probably monitoring your activity more closely than the normal cookie.

Generally the Apple web security is pretty tight despite various mistakes on Apple's part. The fact that you can only download iDevice stuff from the App store helps, the regime is tightly controlled and generally if there's a problem the target App is withdrawn from the store pretty quickly so not too many users can be affected.

I clear cookies fairly regularly on my Macs.

I would like to draw eBay's attention to this issue but I guess for them it's a bit like swatting flies, clobber one and there's another one buzzing around in seconds.
