View single post by Iain
 Posted: Sun Dec 10th, 2017 05:58

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Posts: 1347
Eric wrote:
Iain wrote:
My cameras are the other way in that doing press and sport for years my shutter count is high. I have a canon 1d with well over 500,000 shots. My D3 which was my back up has over 200,000 shots and still going.

I have one friend that has a D4s with over 1,000,000 shots and still going, it has had 1 shutter replaced at just over 400,000 clicks and is still going on the replacement.

I am not sure I have ever SEEN 500,000 photos let alone pressed my finger that often. :lol:

I think that proves that the durability of the shutter is more than good enough and may outlive the sensor. I now wonder if arthritic index finger joints may be the actual limiting factor. :lol:

You could be right. :lol: