View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Dec 16th, 2017 07:23

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thanks JK, very interesting.

This obviously uses the re-focus technique to achieve the differing images rather than shifting the camera slightly closer (or further away) to (or from) the subject. I'm not clear on the pro's and cons of the two techniques but I guess both can be made to work and provide artificially increased DoF.

I have really only used it to bring particularly interesting parts of an image into focus by taking two or three exposures focused on the areas of interest and layering them in Ps, revealing the parts I want in the final image. Which is a lot of work. Not sure this feature of the D850 could achieve that sort of focus stacking...

I am planning to start experimenting with indoor flower photography using extremely fast longish lenses, with minimal DoF but dreamy bokeh. I may have to resort to focus stacking to get the results I desire but will be very content to use the D3(S...) and do this manually. No doubt for those who enjoy the D850 it's another string in their bow.

Not quite the spontaneous grab process I had expected but maybe accessible via a function button? Would need to be set up for a typical scenario I guess.
