View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Dec 30th, 2017 07:07

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
It is the Lion battery physical characteristics that is a limitation. The pukka Nikon ones are higher spec probably.

Am looking at Nikon EH6-AC PSU, Trying to raise Nes but he's gone to ground!

About that Coolpix box as well...

I did find mention of the Nikon EP-6 AC Power Connector, that's a dummy EN-EL4 battery with a socket to take the Nikon EH6-AC PSU, so I was sort of right about the dummy battery. I expect the EP-6 AC will have some protective circuitry to regulate the power input to the camera but splitting an old EN-EL4 should provide a clue.

Wondering if there may be room for a pair of 18650 batteries in the EN-EL4 case... Now THAT could be an interesting conversion with an external case with a bunch of 18650 batteries hooked up together. As you may remember my UV lamp power pack fit's that bill exactly. That has 4 18650's.

Need a dud EN-EL4 to create my own EP-6 AC Power Connector.

I take it the D5 battery won't fit... NikonGear is off-line right now, has been overnight at least. I know this data is on there.
