View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Jan 1st, 2018 18:38

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Well there are two avenues, a large power supply for interval exposure, long duration photography, either a suitable power pack or a regulated connection to a 12 Volt car battery.

I wouldn't be against a very small QUIET generator to provide a continuous power supply, provided it wasn't too heavy because it could also provide power for a small microwave to heat drinks and small meals. I am having trouble finding gas microwaves in the UK. Probably too much elf and safety.

The other avenue is restoring old, worn out EN-EL4 batteries with suitable good quality, high capacity cells, for conventional use and conventional charging. In my opinion £150 for a small 10.8 Volt, 2600mAh camera battery is OTT. Even if the cells were £20 each (They are more likely to be £5 each) that still leaves £90 for a small plastic moulding and a tiny PCB which will only cost coppers. The R&D costs should have been recovered long since.

In the absence of any offers of dead batteries, I will split open my only genuine Nikon EN-EL4 and attempt to re-cell it with 18650 batteries. I no longer use my original D1 conversion 18650 batteries so that would give me 4 spare cells to play with. They are still in good condition and are holding full Voltage even now, maybe 8 years since I used them to restore the defunct D1 batteries?
