View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Feb 11th, 2018 05:47

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
As Robert suggests, without seeing an example of a photograph, it's easy to jump to the the wrong diagnosis....we need to ask several key questions.....

Are the photos from this camera and lens normally ok when NOT using the self timer?

Is EVERY photo using the self timer blurry?

Is EVERYTHING in the photo blurry?

If some parts near or far are ok while the rest is blurry it could be where the camera is focusing.

If everything is blurry on every shot, it suggest the camera moved during exposure.

The camera can 'move' for several reasons....apart from it physically moving it's position during the exposure, it can suffer vibration movement from the action of the photo being taken.

So it's important we know EXACTLY how you are taking the photos.

Is the camera on a solid tripod?

Is it in bright sunlight (so using a fast shutter speed) or at night (slow shutter speed)?

If it mounted on a tripod, is the VR switched off as Robert mentioned?

Is it just sat loosely on a soft surface or a hard surface? Handholding and soft surfaces will damp vibrations more than a solid surface.

So we need more info.

Welcome to the forum by the way.

