View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Feb 26th, 2018 02:10

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
There is quite a debate about this generally.

The consensus I see is that the D850 is excellent for IQ, no question but for birds in flight the it seems to be D500 wins on several counts.

There are big costs involved with D850 ownership, huge files with the consequent issues of offloading, storing and processing them, an iPad or even a Mac Book Pro won't cut it, by all accounts. The D850 also has a much greater initial cost £1800 v £3500, almost half and haggling with the D500 might produce an even better price I doubt one could haggle much off a D850, given they are often out of stock. Processing the D850 files will require an up to date version of whatever software is chosen.

As a 'hobby want' item, as opposed to a 'professional need' tool it becomes expensive, which for most needs is overkill.

At the Nikon Roadshow I visited last week even Nikon stated that the D500 was considered superior for BIF, while exhorting the virtues of the D850. One interesting feature of the D850 is the silent electronic shutter which at 30 frames a second I understand is very useful in all sorts of situations, should be possible to capture the defining moment with that, maybe some sporting events like cricket?

I understand the images in this thread are taken with a D500 and AF-S NIKKOR 300mm f/4E VR.

They would do me and most hobbyists, even most nitpicking pixel peepers.

I think it comes down to personal preferences and how much cash one wants to sink into a hobby. Another factor is how enthusiastic one is to hide for hours 'out there in the marshes' to grab the shot of a lifetime.

This thread which is actually a lens thread but touches on real world experiences of competent photographers with the D500 and D850.,7118.50.html
