View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Feb 28th, 2018 13:24

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
Robert wrote: jk wrote:
We really need to be very very careful when we move between thse cameras.

Which is why I stick with one make, that's challenge enough for me! :lol:


The latest models have so many features it is difficult as well.

That's not a problem, my D3 is lovely, the only thing I desire is is the update, D3S with the self cleaning sensor. Oh, and an 8mm circular fisheye lens, the Sigma seems favourite.

As you may remember I don't do mega high resolution, waste of time and money in my opinion, when 99.9999 % of my images are displayed either on computer screen or maybe iPad/iPhone. 12Mp are more than I need, much of that is thrown away too.
