View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Mar 15th, 2018 18:14

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
I should add that the Mavic Inspire 2 can have different cameras fitted. The basic model has a camera comparable with the Phantom 4 Pro...but £2000 more! Add the top camera and it's another £2000!!!!

It's the same sort of debate as £3000 Pro model Nikons versus cheaper models. The cheaper ones often achieve 80-90% of the results for 30% of the price.


The key point about drone photography, or in fact more significantly imho filming, is they give a perspective on the subject you cannot achieve without expensive or cumbersome equipment ( helicopters or cherry pickers). Dare I say, you don't need the money shot from the drone, it's unique position can overcome less than perfect camera performance, just by being there.

Last edited on Thu Mar 15th, 2018 18:20 by Eric
