View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat May 12th, 2018 07:00

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Given you have raised the mirrorless question again, what is the spec that might work, potentially 'fixing' the issues of forerunner mirrorless cameras? I have zero experience of mirrorless except for my old Nikon P3 tiny sensor camera.


It seems the viewfinder and battery life has been the bugbear so far, obviously Nikon will be acutely aware of that, with people like Eric and many others who bravely went over to the Fuji system, returning to conventional DSLR's.

Is it horses for courses, or will Nikon produce a viable versatile camera which will satisfy the vast majority of users needs.

I have read that the Mirrorless sensor is always on, hence the short battery life, surely that's an easy fix. Just have it come on on a half press of the shutter release or some similar arrangement?

A D850, which already has an electronic, silent shutter, without the pentaprism? Or just without the mirror, have a large screen lying flat, below the pentaprism?

And then... What about the mount, F or ??? That is the 64 million dollar question.

