View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun May 20th, 2018 06:30

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Graham Whistler wrote:
Super shot but sunlight is rough on black birds and shadow detail could be sorted in Photoshop to show a bit more. I think you get best quality for bird pix in overcast weather ie cloudy bright.
Look at Eric's shot of the Sedge Warbler spot on lighting giving good detail.

It's a cruel irony that in the UK we need the sun to give us 1/2000 at f8 and <800 iso...and it brings with it other exposure problems.

One, perhaps obvious and basic, thing I've learnt is that when the sun is out full, you really need the bird posing it's head so the part facing the camera is in full sun. The shadow side, no matter how much recovery you do is always 'dead' and pointless facing the camera.

Like this...

Attachment: 7FD93103-5346-413B-ACE9-47D5C39534B7.jpeg (Downloaded 40 times)
