View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue May 22nd, 2018 08:19

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Eric wrote:
Apart from the path and sky, I personally like to have more contrast in the mid tones. So without blowing the highlights or flattening the shadows I've just boosted mid tone contrast on this copy by 20%.

Much better, I had the blacks and whites pretty 'right'. You are correct, the mid tones benefit from more contrast.

I have addressed the overall tone of the image but still it lacks the ivory, pale cream tone that I wanted.

More work required... It's one thing taking these photographs, the work is in the processing and I haven't used this aspect of Ps for a long time. This was what I loved about Bibble, you could adjust the tones so easily and subtly it was a joy to use, combined with the zone selection like the NIK filter software has it was a doddle to use. In fact I might just try the NIK filters on this... Later, have concrete to mix right now.
