View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Jul 10th, 2018 04:57

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
novicius wrote:
Suffice to say I am a Happy camper .

Has Anyone of You experienced / heard of something like this ??

Thanks for posting your experience novicius, and well done with your solution.

I am aware of the focus limiting shims, it sounds like somebody has been in the lens but didn't know want they were doing. That said, they must have had access to the correct shims???

I would have thought it unlikely it would have made it out of the factory in that condition...

Usually these shims are used to adjust exact infinity focus. One possibility, although unlikely, is that a previous owner needed to make it focus closer but two shims would likely have little effect at the close end. Some cameras and lenses have shims under the lens mount to adjust the flange distance exactly, to ensure infinity focusing.

Given there were apparently extra shims in that position, I am wondering if the real fault might be a another issue, deeper in the lens which was actually causing the lack of infinity focus which the removal of the shims would correct.

Erik Lund, a good friend of mine from Copenhagen is a professional lens repair man in whom I have absolute confidence. He has great experience with older Nikkor lenses and exotics, I am certain be able to service your lens. Perhaps you might consider sending the lens to him for servicing. I very much doubt parts would be needed. If you are interested, I will contact him on your behalf. I just feel the two excess shims may not be the answer, please be sure to keep the shims safe, you may need them in the future.

As for repairing or servicing lenses, I have dabbled, but bad past experiences put me off! My fathers Zeiss Contaflex fell on the floor from a coat hook on the back of his office door, in it's case, the entire lens mount ripped from the body, I managed to re-attach the mount but was unable to re-connect the helix for some reason I still don't understand, I spent hours trying to get it re-conneted but it just wouldn't go back on. The Contaflex had a base lens with interchangeable front sections with alternative focal lengths, 35, 50 and 85mm. It was a very nice camera, a pleasure to use, he made many slides of plants and trees at Kew Gardens, which I am in the process of digitising.

I read Richard Haw's repair and service write up's when they appear. Richard is a watch repair man and very keen to make sympathetic repairs and servicing of older Nikon cameras and lenses.

I find them a good way of improving my understanding of the internals of older Nikkor lenses and cameras.
