View single post by GeoffR
 Posted: Fri Aug 3rd, 2018 02:17


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Denham, United Kingdom
Posts: 293
novicius wrote: Nice one Robert...

Tripped over this site about Charging :

Mentions that when Fuel-gauge becomes " erratic "Li-ion`s do need to Discharg/Refresh every 1- 3 month .

When recharging I always press the Refresh button on the MH-22 , so far so good ,but I`m beginning to have doubts now.
Interesting but wrong! Deep discharge is damaging to Li-ion batteries, doing one every few months will reduce the life of the battery. Pressing that Cal button on the MH22 results in a deep discharge, don't press Cal unless the Cal light illuminates.

Before relying on internet information, READ THE MANUAL for the device, the manufacturer really does know how best to use its products.