View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Aug 15th, 2018 10:59

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Tried to do a bracket exposure series on my D850.
OMG how crude is Nikon exposure backeting compared to Fuji XT2.

On Nikon, I have to set BKT to on and adjust my parameters, (fair enough) then I need to count and press the shutter for the number of exposures in the set. Really stupid!

On Fuji, I have to set BKT on the top dial. Then press the shutter and it takes a full bracket set with one shutter press! Yes, good design.
To adjust my parameters, I set them in menu (fair enough). Everthing is simple and obvious.

I suggest to Nikon that the add an additional one or two menu options.
1. Bracket Exposure Taking..... Take individually or take set with one shutter press (like Canon also).

2. Allow a menu item Bracketing Settings. This stores the default bracket settings of EV steps and number of exposures in the set.

So simple! Nikon please note.

Still learning after all these years!