View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Aug 25th, 2018 02:11

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Iain wrote:
If you are doing paid work the two card slots are a insurance policy. All the pros I know all work with cameras with two card slots.

Not convinced. As I see it all the pro's you work with have proper cameras which happen to have two slots, dating from when cards were smaller and less reliable than they are today.

I bet most pros also cary multiple cameras, much better insurance. Have seen this point made many times and there are many sides to the discussion. It won't stop a card going bad and can cause the second card to write the same corrupted file if used as backup, anything can fail. How often do users fail to turn off the camera before changing lenses or swapping cards? Can and does happen.

How many cars have spare wheels today? Of those which do, the spare is generally unused... I can remember when having a puncture was a regular occurrence, back in the 50's and 60's, I haven't had to change a wheel at the roadside since about 15 years ago and I remember the spare was flat! I scoured around and borrowed one from a stranger!

I use my D3 second slot as overflow, I have spent five nights on Isle of Skye, taken ~2,000 NEF exposures, still didn't fill the first 32Gb card.

Just an excuse to save 3 or 4 grand and avoid learning a new camera; abandoning the beloved, trusted DSLR will be a huge wrench for the pro brigade as it won't for now, completely replace the DSLR. My guess is the Z range will be largely taken up by serious enthusiasts and those willing to put their elbow in the potentially hot water. In time I think the Z range will prevail, it's called evolution. o.O

More of a concern is that this is the first iteration of a very new camera, second iteration may well trump it. Buying now is akin to becoming a Nikon guinea pig. There will very likely be some issues with the new design which hopefully will be refined out over time...

Nikon pre production testing is done by trusted, highly experienced photographers, who care, the production cameras will be used by people with a wider range of abilities...
