View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Aug 29th, 2018 15:28

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thanks for the fb, strange, because for me that would be the first thing I would expect from an EVF??? o.O

The fact it isn't mentioned almost anywhere (except very briefly in one of the numerous Z7 you tube videos I have endured in the name of research and those *** didn't know, they were speculating...) makes me wonder. It's such an obvious feature which I would use on almost every image. Just like I did with my Bronica S2a.

If you can't have a waist level finder with loupe, that would be next best thing.

I have tried using live view and by comparison it's rubbish, not only that, the image moves the right way... LOL
