View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Aug 30th, 2018 09:29

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
GeoffR wrote:
jk wrote: OK I know reviewers vary but.....
Did they want a Z7 camera that beat every camera on the market out of sight?
Essentially, yes I think that is exactly what they wanted, and I dare say Nikon could have done it but they need user feedback and they need to get the cameras in the right hands. What they have is attractive to Nikon users but needs refining.

I wouldn't want a camera without a set or controls and a shutter release for portrait shooting and I doubt I am alone. I suspect there are many software tweaks required to make the camera as adaptable as users would like but all these things can come later once a few thousand of them are in daily use.

Giving away an XQD card with the camera is a nice touch but I wouldn't be surprised if there were pressure to offer an SD card version too. We'll have to wait and see about that. Demand for two card slots will be there too but we already know that means a bigger body.

Yes but how unrealistic from the reviewers.
We all know that there are technology limitations and advantages with PhaseDetect/ContrastDetect AF units. The speed of AF acquisition in different and accuracy also.
This article is a good read.

Still learning after all these years!