View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Sep 1st, 2018 06:41

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
GeoffR wrote: Did you deliberately exclude the word "Yet"?

Didn't feel it was needed at this level... ;-)

Don't own and don't intend to own a 24-70 2.8. Not my kind of lens. In the unlikely event I did get a Z I doubt I would get any of the Z lenses. Too clinical. I want to make pictures, not perfect photographs.

105mm f/2.5, 16mm f/2.8 fish and Micro 55mm f/2.8 are my favourites, with a range of others to fill gaps. Zooms are non preferred, but sometimes deployed if the task demands it.

The 24-120 f/4.0 is a capable lens but large and heavy. Clambering 2 miles along the Fairy Pools of the river Brittle on Skye was a bit of an effort but the results were worth it.

Off out, shoppin to do... ;-)
