View single post by Gilbert Sandberg
 Posted: Tue Sep 18th, 2018 03:02
Gilbert Sandberg


Joined: Mon Apr 16th, 2012
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 196
re: versions of 2 lost the adjustment points
No, it is CNX-D that lost the control-points in versions previous to the current 1.5.0
CNX-1/2 always had the control-points, one of the reasons many people liked CNX.
Regards, Gilbert

PS I have not yet tried if CNX-D recognises any control-points made with CNX-2, the user manual says it will.

PS-2 the picture control is something entirely different that has been around for many years, I have yet to discover any use for me personally.

PS-3 all that contributes to the considerable time it takes to install a package like CNX-D, It took close to an hour on my system.