View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Sep 18th, 2018 03:23

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
Eric wrote:
I thought the only way to stop black out on the new Zs was to drop the image file size down to 16mip? That's not a fix for me ( if it's true) it's a compromise.o.O

There is a specific mention in the AF test of a setting that requires changing in menus.

I also had no doubts the AF would cope with switching quickly between relatively static subjects in the field of view. The issue is keeping the tracking on the subject when IT IS MOVING quickly and erratically.

That has always been an issue with DSLRs upto the D3 and is still improving. The D500 seems to lead the Nikon pack.

I am still not convinced the EVF flickering won't be distracting and cause you to more easily miss moving subjects.

That happens in mirrored cameras as well but the mirrorless it is dependent on the EVF rate and your card save speed.

I would have liked to see a comparison between the Zs EVF and the same view through the D850 viewfinder at same operating conditions.

Yes that would be useful.

I am convinced the period of blackout/ flicker on a DSLR is much shorter and far less distracting?

But until I try one I can't be sure.

I think you are wrong here as logically the mirror up/down time is a defined period usually around 1/15 second (I estimate) which is why there is little point shooting >8fps as you are just machine gunning blindly. Use a video camera instead.

Doubting Thomas.


No harm in being sceptical!

Still learning after all these years!