View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Sep 23rd, 2018 06:05

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
If you've only just acquired the equipment, isn't it a bit early to make decisions on which lenses you should keep? And, forgive me, non of those lenses are going to bring you much cash if you sell why not use them all and you will soon know which are redundant, which are the best?

It also depends on whether you alone will be using both cameras or whether your wife will be using one at the same time. If the latter would be the case, then you may need identical lenses on the two bodies if you photograph the same stuff.

Really don't recommend dumping anything until you have established its quality and any likelihood of concurrent use.

Your lenses are intrinsically linked to your photographic subjects. If you like landscapes you generally need a wider angle lens...but you don't need f2.8. So apart from sheer lust, I don't see the need for rushing to get a Sigma....or any lens for that matter...until you prove you need it.

I agree with Iain. The 18-105 is a useful range and good lens. If you had just one camera I would be recommending adding the 70-300 and keeping the Nikon 50mm for its f1.8 lens.

But if you are keeping two cameras for two people to use at the same may need to duplicate lenses to keep both parties happy.

Last edited on Sun Sep 23rd, 2018 06:19 by Eric
