View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Sep 29th, 2018 14:03

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
OK I took 23 images when I went out with the dogs this afternoon.
Some thoughts and scribblings.......
1. The camera handles well and its AF is better than the Fuji XT2 but probably not as good as the D850. The AF feels and locks on quicker than the XT2 so I am happy with Mirrorless Nikon sp far. Exposure and controls in general work well for me.
2. I really dont like the fact that I have to twist the 24-70 to initiate it. The lens itself seems very sharp but this behaviour is a left over from the V1 series lenses. I will probably be looking to get another Z lens in the future. I am not going to hurry this though.
3. I need to test FTZ adapter with my AFS Nikkors. This will be very interesting.
4. Camera feels very solid and well built except for the flimsy USB/HDMI/GPS accessory door.

I will post some images when I have downloaded and processed.
Unfortunately the greatness of a 45MP image will be lost on any screen.

Am I pleased with my purchase. Yes so far no major disappointments. I will go so far as to say that all the pre-production/release videos and reviews by the USA reviewers that I have seen makes me wonder if the majority of US people arent suffering from some form of Trumpitis or serious whinge syndrome. It just confirms to me that you really must test a camera yourself rather than believe the slanging or hyperbole of idiot reviewers on the internet.

Still learning after all these years!