View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Oct 20th, 2018 14:20

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
jk wrote:
I am wondering if havng the Z7 excludes the Z6 as you can change to DX to get 24MP approx.
The DX feature on the Z6 will yield approx 12MP. Not so shabby but why have two slightly different cameras. Time will tell. The Z6 is better for video.

I suppose it depends on whether the bigger pixels on the Z6 will give less noise and 'better' images than the Z7 in DX crop.

For many, 24mp is considered enough for their needs. Why pay more for pixels they won't use and potentially get lesser results when they crop?

What's interesting is with the D850 and presumably the Z7 we are seeing increasing numbers of cameras with sensor densities that exceed the (presumably now outdated) conventional wisdom on how many pixels we should pack in and still get quality images out at high ISO's.
