View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Nov 6th, 2018 17:28

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
HPDMaven wrote:
Unfortunately Robert, I've had to do this on a shoestring budget. At the time I bought the camera, I admit to knowing basically nothing about DSLR's, having had only a Sony Cyber-Shot as my first digital camera.

Before that, was an old Konica SLR that served me well for years, and then a Nikon N70, but to post photos on the Audio forums I frequent, a digital camera was needed.

I bought the most affordable Nikon I could find, not even knowing it was a low cost unit, but at my skill level (what skill?) I guess it doesn't make that much difference. I had wanted to take close-up photos of audio cartridges for some time, and that's what I've been doing. Learning lots though, photography and music/audio my two main hobbies with audio pretty much my full-time focus.

OK Dan I understand, gear is expensive but you can get bellows quite reasonable on eBay if you are patient.

Funny you are into audio!

I have about 20 'reel to reel' tapes which my father recorded about in 1950 while he was recovering from TB in a sanatorium. He used to play the music in his pub in an evening to provide background music. As a young boy one of my little jobs was to change the tapes. I still have those tapes and want to digitise them to my computer. A friend knew about this and found an old reel to reel tape recorder at a car boot sale, it worked but the main belt soon snapped. All the tapes are good, maybe not high fidelity but as good as I remember them all those years ago.

Anyway I am struggling to get a new belt, I ordered one from a firm at Southampton a month ago, they say they sent it, then sent another but I still haven't got a belt. I have tried elastic bands, which work for about half a tape then break. Fitting the belt requires stripping the deck, down to the inner workings. Twice I have had a capacitor dump it's load into my fingers when I got too close to the electrics! Very frustrating.
