View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Nov 7th, 2018 02:06

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
It may be a while before I get myself into gear to create the video, winter months! Editing video sends me to sleep LOL. When I do get it assembled I will probably post it on Vimeo or YouTube, so I will post a link here.

I found it difficult balancing the lighting, it's not great but for a first effort it's passable. The natural lighting varies throughout the day from full sunshine to darkness, so I have used an LED lamp which was on continuously and the inbuilt flash bounced off a white diffusing reflector. I balanced the lighting with a variety of plus and minus compensation settings for the exposure and flash. Generally you can see the day and night differences without loosing too much detail.

I plan to create a small studio for this type of work and focus stacking. I have acquired a slab of polished green slate weighing ~80Kg (76 US Lbs, 12½ Stone) to mount the subject and camera in as stable a way as possible, I will bolt it to the main house wall on a rigid bracket. Standing it on the floor picks up too many vibrations.

In the pub I built enclosures for Warfdale speakers with double skins, once built, the void was filled with sand, lots of it! We created our own tweeter circuitry, basic but it worked for 16 years.

I am contemplating a macro lens as a Christmas present for myself, maybe...

This is a collage of three stages of the time-lapse from 11 August until 20 October, not much change after that.

Attachment: Bay Tree Collage.jpg (Downloaded 8 times)
