View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Nov 29th, 2018 17:08

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Lr has moved on a long way since Lr3!

If I am seriously concerned about the black and white points I go to 'Levels' in Ps and adjust them there with my patented 'Shuffle' technique, which gives a very precise black and white setting, then adjust to taste.

I don't trust the Lr procedure on black and white points.

At the end of it, all that really matters is are you happy with the image.

Sometimes however improvements can be made which you weren't aware of.

You might have to dig back a lot further to find my 'shuffle' routine in Ps. It might even be in the previous forum posts which were weren't able to extract to keep as archives.

If I have time over the weekend, and I remember I will try to re-write the 'Shuffle' and post it, with new, current screenshots.
