View single post by moonlight1811
 Posted: Wed May 23rd, 2012 12:14


Joined: Fri May 18th, 2012
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 46
richw wrote: Once the focus is set don't forget to switch to manual (just flick it across on the lens rather than the body) this will then stop the camera re-focusing when you hit the shutter.

I have never had a go at water droplets but based on your first effort whatever you are doing seems to work well! I would have guessed that 1/200 was too slow and gone for about 1/500 but seeing the results shows how much I know!

How did you time the shot, fast finger or some other method?

I would never have thought of switching it to manual once I had set my focus. That's a great tip, thanks!

Well, I used my camera's flash...and when my flash is up, the camera won't even allow me to set my shutter speed beyond 1/200. If I push the flash down, I am able to go up in my shutter speed quite a bit, but then when I shot a picture of the water drops, it turned out black. Even after adding a bunch of other light to the setup; without a flash, it was black. So I was pretty much stuck with 1/200. Any ideas on why it would come out black? It makes sense to me that it would be much darker, but not black!

I didn't really time it. I tried at first, but I was always either too late or too early. So I took a deep breath, shot when I felt was right, and just hoped for some luck. If you figure out a better method, let me know lol
