View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Dec 19th, 2018 07:02

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
blackfox wrote:
now that does sound interesting . more money LOL

I know Robert is anti iPad....regarding them as Mickey Mouse lightweight etc etc. To a large extent he was right in their early iterations. Their progress has been controlled = limited by Apples desire to keep hold of the reins as to what you are allowed to do on them.

But that is changing.

Professional designers are using these hand held devices much more and are forcing Apple to add more power, more functionality.

The iPads may still be at the development stage that the D1X was at, compared to film, back in the day. Look how DSLRS have advanced beyond the D1X in a few years.o.O

So I am convinced that tablet computing will become the norm for photo editing and design in the Next few years.

Technology is moving at an astounding pace in the Far East. My friends new Huawei phone not only has 3 focal length lens, 45mp sensor, it KNOWS what time of day and where in the world you are so takes into account local conditions eg night time photography without metering, and even can be set to exclude unwanted items in the frame at the time of taking the photo ( eg moving people!)

He is a top level software engineer (satellite, telecom fields) and even HE is staggered at what's coming out of the Far East. So much so, he's going to move India in 2019 ....mind you the Brexit aftermath shockwaves are also a motivator. :doh:

Last edited on Wed Dec 19th, 2018 07:04 by Eric
