View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Jan 3rd, 2019 08:29

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
Interesting thought Eric.

Doing underwater photography is similar to bird photography except you have the added limitation of needing to manage your air and buoyancy. Initially I wanted to fill the frame with the subject either in the initial shot or by cropping. Eventually I decidedthis response resulted in a 'stamp collection' style of photography. Now I look for the fish to be against a good background with good lighting. This tends to result in a 1/3 ratio of subject/background.

We were given a 55" tv just before Christmas by a friend (long story). I've resisted going that big because when the newscasters come on, their heads were normal size (as if they were sitting across the room from me) so I didn't pay much attention to them. But now they are bigger, I feel compelled to listen to them despite the rubbish they are reporting. It's weird.

AND.... all the poor make up, sagging skin, wrinkles and pimples are so much more evident. I can even see NOISE on the images :lol::lol:

Mary Nightingale (as it's a bird topic) has a turkey neck hanging down and my wife's ski jumping toy boy hero's have all got acne and freckles. It destroys our fantasies. :lol:

I think there's a lot to be said for being small and unobtrusive. :lol:

But seriously I am going to give my subjects a bit more air. Maybe backing off the cropping won't mean as much noise reduction.o.O

I have 42" screen in Spain and a 38" here in UK in a smaller room.
I find that more than enough. I cant see the need or desire for massive screens. To each his/her own!

Still learning after all these years!