View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Jan 4th, 2019 12:47

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066

I have a large chunk of magnesium aluminium, I carved it out of that.

Cutouts to prevent vignetting, the RAC plastic thingy was my profile for the cutouts, to keep them similar, because it's flexible I could bend it both ways so I had left and right cutouts from one profile. The black marks were for where it needed more reliving.

The new front with home made lens cap and the lens cap from my 16mm Fisheye.

D3 with lens cap.

And without.

A lot of fun! Most expensive thing was having the vinyl logo cut, cost me a tenner for a bit of plastic, although he did cut two for me so I have a spare. I think if there is a next time I will get the letters cut out and spray over black, then remove the letters, like stencil. The vinyl has a tendency to peel at acute corners like the 'N'. It's standing up well to use so I'm happy, at least I have a lens hood now.
