View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Jan 24th, 2019 17:07

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Well I would regard a swap to 7100 as a downgrade, I avoid the 4 digit bodies like the plague. the button layout and having to resort to menu control more puts me right off.

That said I do have and use a D3300 but only to throw in the toolbox when I am doing mechanical or building work, to record progress or keep a record of the position of hidden services, pipes, wires and joists etc. It's rarely set to anything other than fully auto. Point and shoot but for what I want it for it's perfect.

If pushed maybe a D7500? Said to be the equivalent of a D500?

Top end, older cameras seem to be so cheap now they are almost being given away. Despite getting the D800, I find it's great strength is the depth of tonal range and forgiving nature, exposure wise, almost anything can be recovered from a shadow area. I am still far from convinced the need for such high resolution, but it seems to come with the other goodies. For 600 quid it's a gift, they are out there.
