View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Jan 31st, 2019 17:24

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote:
It makes a big difference. I posted a thread several years ago about this and posted comparison image via Flicker and via the forum software. The difference is noticeable, also, it enables multiple images per post.

The image degradation is almost universal across all forum software, it hits some images worse than others. The other advantage is it's easy to repost someone else's image in a quote when pagination puts the image being discussed on the previous page.

One downside is if you modify or move an image on Flicker it sometimes breaks the link to the linked post. Some years down the line it can be hard to remember where that image was posted.

I have culled quite a few images from Flicker to provide 'elbow room' since the new limitations to the free account came in. One of my kitcar forum threads will now look a bit sad because many of the images I deleted were posted there.

I suppose as an option we could email our images to interested members.;-)

This dove's eye is so sharp (at this end) it hurts. :lol:

Attachment: BFB2320D-A795-4BF0-A937-BFF4084000B9.jpeg (Downloaded 14 times)
